14:20 / 31.05.2020
3 010

Turli millat vakillari «Ulug‘imsan Vatanim» qo‘shig‘ini ijro etmoqda (video)

Turli millat vakillari «Ulug‘imsan Vatanim» qo‘shig‘ini ijro etmoqda (video)
O‘zbekistonning Beniluks davlatlaridagi elchixonasi tomonidan Instagram’da o‘ziga xos chellenj uyushtirildi.
Ushbu chellenjda butun dunyodagi sozandalar hamda xonandalar Sevara Nazarxonning «Ulug‘imsan Vatanim» qo‘shig‘ini ijro etadi.
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Musicians from all over the world play and sing together the beautiful uzbek song Ulugimsan Vatanim originally performed by Sevara Nazarkhan. It's a message of love and hope to everyone we want to share with the world: We are far away - but together! This challenge has been organised by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in BeNeLux Посольство Узбекистана Бенилюкс Renata Kambarova – flutes, piano, video editing Igor Iofe – trumpet, music editing Sofia Pedro – vocals Bobur Bebitov – vocals Viktoria Halmukhamedova – vocals Dina Bikzhanova – violin Please, share this video! And take part in the challenge!!? #challenge #sevaranazarkhan #ulugimsanvatanim #peace #uzbekistan #улугимсанватаним #дружбанародов

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«Bu qo‘shiq orqali biz barchaga sevgi va umid yo‘llaymiz. Biz bir-birimizdan uzoqdamiz, biroq birgamiz», — deyiladi chellenj tavsifida.
Chellenjni o‘zbek—koreys milliy madaniyat markazi faollari ham davom ettirdi.

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Yangiliklar » Madaniyat » Turli millat vakillari «Ulug‘imsan Vatanim» qo‘shig‘ini ijro etmoqda (video)