00:52 / 14.03.2025
10 871

What will be the exchange rate of the dollar on March 14, 2025?

What will be the exchange rate of the dollar on March 14, 2025?
According to the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, as of March 14, 2025, the USD exchange rate stands at 12,938.11 UZS, increasing by 18.11 UZS.

Other major currencies also saw changes:
Euro (EUR) – 14,076.66 UZS, down by 25.52 UZS
Russian Ruble (RUB) – 149.99 UZS, up by 0.47 UZS
British Pound (GBP) – 16,767.79 UZS, up by 55.77 UZS
Japanese Yen (JPY) – 87.33 UZS, up by 0.39 UZS
Swiss Franc (CHF) – 14,665.73 UZS, up by 45.38 UZS
Chinese Yuan (CNY) – 1,786.05 UZS, up by 2.48 UZS

The Euro was the only currency to decrease, while all others showed an upward trend. Analysts attribute these fluctuations to global financial market conditions.

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