A good night's sleep is essential for maintaining human health and recovering from daily fatigue. Scientists recommend that we spend at least a quarter of 24 hours - that is, 6 hours - on sleep, as an important part of our daily lifestyle. However, animals have adapted to various processes using their sleep patterns. According to IFLScience, some animals spend most of the day sleeping, while others are active during the day.
Koala - an animal adapted to sleep
Among animals, the koala is the symbol of Australia. The koala can sleep for 18-22 hours a day. The main reason for its sleep is the low energy value of the eucalyptus leaves it eats. Eucalyptus leaves are only 5% sugar and starch, so the koala receives very little energy from them. The lack of energy leads them to a state of sleep, which allows them to save energy and ensure growth.
Interestingly, although eucalyptus leaves are poisonous to koalas, their bodies have a special system adapted to digest this poison. However, the main drawback of this system is that it requires a lot of energy. Therefore, the koala spends most of the day sleeping and is forced to save energy to preserve fuel.
Ants are animals that do not spend much time sleeping
On the contrary, ants are distinguished by their activity. One of the most active animals among scientists, the fire ant, spends only 4 hours and 48 minutes of sleep during the day. However, these ants sleep 253 times a day, and each sleep period lasts less than a minute. This indicates their high activity and ability to work continuously.
Sleep patterns among animals correspond to their role in the ecosystem and their energy needs. The fact that koalas spend most of the day sleeping is due to their poisonous and low-energy diet. Ants, on the other hand, are distinguished by their activity and tend to work all day without sleep. The new sleep strategies used by these animals ensure their survival in the natural environment.

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