Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russia of deliberately delaying a peace agreement. He said Moscow has yet to give a meaningful response to his 30-day ceasefire proposal. Zelensky wrote on Telegram on March 13: “Unfortunately, for more than a day now, the world has not heard a meaningful response from Russia to the proposals made. And this once again confirms that Russia is trying to continue the war and delay the start of peace as much as possible.”
Ukraine accepts 30-day ceasefire, Russia awaits response
During a speech in Kyiv on March 12, Zelensky called on Russia to respond to the US proposal for a 30-day ceasefire between Ukraine and Moscow. He said that Kiev had accepted the proposal and was now waiting for Russia's decision. "It all depends on whether Russia wants to cease fire and calm down or continue killing people," the Ukrainian president said.
US may increase pressure on Russia
Zelensky said that if Moscow refuses a ceasefire, he expects a tough response from the US. "I don't know the details yet, but we are talking about sanctions and strengthening Ukraine," he explained. He also reiterated his distrust of Russia and hoped that Washington's pressure would force the Kremlin to end the war.
Ukraine plans to discuss security guarantees
Zelensky said he was ready to discuss security guarantees for his country with Ukraine's allies after a 30-day ceasefire came into effect. This would be a strategic step for Ukraine and an important step towards ensuring its security. Follow “Zamin” news on “Telegram”

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