Some morning habits will help you not only make the most of your day, but also achieve long-term success at work and in your personal life.
Psychologists and coaches often say that for positive changes in life, you need to introduce good habits. And it's better to start in the morning, because every morning habit perfectly sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Wake up early
It is true that in the morning hours a person's mind is clearer and more concentrated, he performs more complex tasks better. Waking up early, you can gradually plan your working day, make a list of phone calls and meetings, think about tomorrow and set goals.
If waking up early is a problem, it is recommended to set the alarm clock 10-15 minutes earlier than usual every day. As a result, the body will gradually get used to waking up in the morning. But it is important to go to bed early. It is important to remember that it takes at least 20 days to form any good habit.
You should not pick up the phone before waking up
The blue light emitted by the mobile phone screen often leads to insomnia. If you stare at the phone for a long time in the morning, this increases the level of anxiety. Morning, on the contrary, is the time to prepare for productive work.
Morning exercise or light gymnastics
Morning exercise increases activity and helps to maintain energy throughout the day. This means that the mind and body cope better with physical and psychological tasks. Fatigue is observed less often.
It is good to start the day with jogging or physical exercises. During physical exercises, the heart and lungs are supplied with oxygen, blood circulates better, vital organs receive nutrients, all of which increases the body's efficiency. A 30-minute workout will make the brain more clear and stable, and you will be more focused.
Drink a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach
A glass of warm water with lemon really helps to wake up and cheer up. By drinking fluids on an empty stomach, the body is forced to speed up and can work with maximum productivity.
Lemon water on an empty stomach helps prevent dehydration. Lemon contains a large amount of beneficial acids and nutrients for the immune, respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. In a word, lemon water is only good.
The only restriction is that if you have chronic diseases, you should first consult a doctor before introducing this useful habit into your morning routine.
To clear the brain of negative thoughts, prevent anxiety and stress, help the body relax and feel in harmony with the world around you, you should meditate for 5-10 minutes before the start of the day.
To do this, you need to take a comfortable position - lying down or sitting, close your eyes, put on light music and start thinking. Morning meditation improves mood and helps to calmly solve daily tasks.
Cold and hot shower
Water procedures, when the water temperature alternately changes from cold to hot and vice versa, are stressful for the body. However, this wakes up cells in the tissues and begins the process of renewal. People who often take a contrast shower experience less illness and stress. If the procedure is repeated daily, the level of sweating also decreases, which is especially important for those who are actively involved in sports.
Body care
Self-care routines give youth, health, a great look and mood. Before taking a shower, you can massage with a brush, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing mask to the face. Before washing, you can massage your head with your fingers or a comb. 10-15 minutes will be enough to improve blood circulation.
Breakfast is the main meal of the day
In the morning, the body's metabolic processes increase in activity, and it needs a nutritious breakfast. Food is energy, and if it does not enter the body from 7 to 10 in the morning, the balance is disturbed and the metabolism begins to work slowly, and in the evening it completely disappears. That is why those who prefer a hearty dinner instead of a hearty breakfast are overweight. What is eaten in the morning is converted into energy. A healthy breakfast should consist of healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates rich in fiber.
Take vitamin supplements
C and E are called "beauty vitamins". Vitamin C is necessary for the synthesis of collagen. It is part of the skin and connective tissues, protects the heart and blood vessels, reduces cholesterol, improves immunity and is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E affects the functioning of the brain and muscles, reduces fatigue, and has a positive effect on the reproductive function of the body. Before taking this or that vitamin complex, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

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