09:18 / 19.03.2025

Jaloliddin Masharipov: "Abduкоdir raised the bar..." (video)

Jaloliddin Masharipov: "Abduкоdir raised the bar..." (video)
Jaloliddin Masharipov, one of the leaders of the Uzbekistan national team, shared his thoughts before today's training.

"I flew in at 03:00 yesterday morning. Today is the first training session. We don't have much time. We need to adapt to the national team environment quickly. Because we have very important games ahead of us. We are ready.

Abdukоdir raised the bar. We are happy about this. If we qualify for the World Cup, it will be good for all of us. The World Cup will also be a great opportunity for our other players to show themselves. The path will also be opened for Oston Urunov and Abbasbek Fayzullayev.

We struggled in the first game against Kyrgyzstan, the field was in bad condition. The opponent is strong, and nowadays, underestimating the opponent leads to bad consequences. But we are playing at home. We aim to please the fans.

UAE is another team "It's normal for teams to come out and ask Uzbekistan to give them points. We expected this. Based on this, we just need to focus on our own game," said Jaloliddin Masharipov.
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