The length of a person's life depends on many factors. For men, one of these factors is whether they are married or single. This was proven by employees of the Department of Therapeutic and Preventive Medicine of the National Medical Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia after 16 years of analysis and observation.
For 16 years, starting in 2007, employees of the Ministry of Health studied the risk factors for the development of various diseases. As a result, it was found that the length and quality of a person's life are affected not only by physiological, but also by social factors. The results of the study showed that married men live longer. Moreover, being married also affects the length of life of men. People engaged in intellectual work often live longer than others.
As for women, women who have children and have higher incomes live longer. Interestingly, women are diagnosed with more chronic diseases than men: but since they are more likely to follow the recommendations of doctors, this has less of an impact on their life expectancy.
It is possible that married men live longer because their spouses observe that they follow the advice of doctors more often.
It is important to remember that some factors negatively affect the life expectancy of both sexes. For men aged 44 to 64, the risk of premature death is associated with high blood pressure, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption. For women over 75, the main risk factors for premature death are low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and stress.
Timely examination is the main way to prevent the development of serious diseases and early death.
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