Serotonin is the hormone of happiness and the main motivator of good mood. In stressful situations, its level drops sharply, which increases anxiety, and can also cause anxiety. It is very easy to increase serotonin levels with the help of some products, get acquainted with five of them below.
Dairy products
Milk, rich in calcium, especially warm milk, really relieves stress and stabilizes mood. Minerals in dairy products, including magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, normalize the functioning of the nervous system. It is not without reason that parents give their children a glass of warm milk before going to bed to calm their body down a little and prepare them for sleep.
Dark chocolate
It is not right to think of chocolate as the best cure only for a bad mood. A piece of dark chocolate releases endorphins and increases serotonin levels. Recent studies have shown that people who eat chocolate have significantly lower levels of stress hormones than others. It is recommended to eat two pieces of dark chocolate a day.
These fruits contain tryptophan, which, along with vitamin B6, increases serotonin levels. In addition, the high carbohydrate content of bananas provides the body with energy and improves mood. Thus, bananas are an effective product for treating insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
Like bananas, lentils are also rich in carbohydrates that help produce serotonin. As a result, stress is eliminated. This product also stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents mood swings. The iron in lentils gives the body strength. It is recommended to consume half a glass of lentils as a side dish or add them to soups. To make this product easier for the body to digest, it is recommended to soak lentils in water for several hours before cooking.
Unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3-6 stimulate the nervous system, and one of their main sources is fish. This helps reduce cortisol and adrenaline levels, and also significantly reduces the risk of panic attacks. In addition, fish is rich in B vitamins, iodine, phosphorus, vitamins A and E, which have a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system. The substances contained in fish stimulate the production of tryptophan, which in turn stimulates the production of serotonin.
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