All leafy greens are very useful, but some are even more useful, says American nutritionist Joseph Roberts. According to him, of this category of plants, spinach has the most beneficial effect on the body.
"Spinach is a unique product," said the expert, quoted by Medicalxpress. One cup of fresh spinach contains only 7 calories, but it provides 121% of the daily value of vitamin K for men and 161% for women.
"The amount of vitamin K in spinach is about 4 times more than in lettuce, about 5 times more than in broccoli, and 8 times more than in cabbage. One cup of spinach contains 129% of the recommended daily value of vitamin A for women and 105% for men,” the publication says.
Spinach also contains a lot of fiber, vitamins C and B9, and an increased amount of magnesium, iron, and potassium. This composition makes the plant maximally beneficial for the body. According to Joseph Roberts, regular consumption of spinach is an excellent preventive measure against various diseases, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

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