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A dry, long-lasting cough that occurs at night is not only a symptom of a cold. Its cause can be determined by a doctor's examination. However, it is not always possible to seek medical help in a timely manner. In such cases, the following recommendations will help relieve a dry cough and improve your general condition until the examination.
Home remedies for stopping a dry cough
A cough is actually a protective reaction of the body, and it should not be stopped. In fact, a cold gradually recedes with the passage of sputum. However, a persistent and very dry cough causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Therefore, this rule does not apply to a dry cough, and it must be eliminated. Folk remedies include the following methods:
- chest massage;
- steam inhalation;
- infusions and liquids made from medicinal plants.
Photo: The Day
Inhalation should be carried out with caution. The use of boiled potatoes, propolis, essential oil or eucalyptus leaves will give the expected effect. The liquid or mass should not be too hot so that it does not burn the mucous membranes. Inhalation can also be done with plain or salt water.
Types of cough
There are two types of cough: dry and wet. With a dry cough, the patient suffers more. A dry cough causes pain in the chest, sweating, difficulty breathing and sore throat, often requiring long-term treatment. A wet cough, on the contrary, recovers faster due to the release of sputum from the bronchi.
Also, the duration of the cough is periodic and constant. Periodic cough is typical for colds, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and other similar infectious diseases. A persistent cough is a symptom of a serious illness.
What to do if you have a dry cough at night?
Sunflower oil drink: 150 ml of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, salt to taste. Mix everything and drink it slowly while warm.
Gogol-mogol: For this dessert, you need one egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of diluted honey, 1 tablespoon of butter and a glass of milk. First, mix the egg yolk well, add milk to it and continue mixing. Then add the butter and honey. Drink the mixture while it is still hot.
Ginger and honey: Grind a piece of ginger root. Add the grated ginger and a little honey to a glass of boiling water and drink.
To reduce coughing, elevate your pillow and ensure that the room is filled with clean, cool, and humid air.
What should you do if your sore throat is also aggravated by a dry cough?
Recommendations such as rinsing your nose with salt water, drinking more fluids, and humidifying the air in the room with wet towels can help relieve a sore throat. Salt water helps flush out the virus from the mouth and nasal cavity, while humid air helps phlegm to form and move faster. Follow “Zamin” news on “Telegram”
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