The President signed the law "On Amendments and Addenda to Certain Legislative Acts in connection with the creation of more favorable conditions for the population to participate in court proceedings remotely."
The document creates legal grounds for the population to participate remotely in court proceedings in civil, economic and administrative cases.
In particular, to ensure the participation of persons participating in the case in the court session via video conferencing, the video conferencing systems of the relevant courts at the place of residence, location or stay of the specified persons or the mobile video conferencing system of the court hearing the case are used.
The court, which ensures the participation of the persons involved in the case in the video-conference-communication mode of the court session, checks whether these persons have arrived and determines the identity of the persons who have arrived. The identity of the persons participating in the court session in the video-conference-communication mode using the mobile video-conference-communication system is determined by the court hearing the case using information technologies.
Corresponding amendments are being made to the Code of Civil Procedure, the Code of Economic Procedure and the Code of Administrative Court Proceedings.

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