01:47 / 20.03.2025

5 dangerous products that cause migraines

5 dangerous products that cause migraines
Migraine is a chronic neurological disease, usually manifested by throbbing pain on one side of the head. The pain can last from several hours to several days and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and noise. In some cases, before a migraine, the patient experiences slight changes in vision and hearing.

The WHO has included migraine in the list of 19 diseases that most disrupt a person's normal life. Unfortunately, the causes of migraine have not yet been fully determined, but stress, weather conditions, hunger, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, and certain foods can trigger it. Below is a list of foods that can trigger migraines.


Any food that contains caffeine is dangerous for people who are prone to migraines. The phenylethylamine in chocolate constricts blood vessels. In people with a genetic predisposition to migraines, this can cause headaches.

Citrus fruits and bananas

These fruits contain histamine and tyramine, which can cause headaches.

Sausage, hot dogs, ham

These semi-finished products contain high levels of monosodium glutamate and nitric oxide, which dilate blood vessels in the brain.

Fatty Cheeses

High-fat cheeses contain tyramine, which constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure. The longer the cheese is aged, the more tyramine it contains.


Usually, migraine headaches are triggered by certain types of alcohol, but any alcoholic beverage with a yeast base can trigger a migraine. Dehydration and nervousness can also increase the frequency of migraine attacks.

In addition, alcohol can cause problems with the liver, which is responsible for producing glucose. Low blood sugar levels can also cause these headaches.

Photo: The Day
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