Sunflower pistachios are a favorite and hard-to-resume food for many. They are not only delicious, but also rich in beneficial microelements for the body, and have the properties of supporting heart health, providing energy and providing a feeling of satiety.
However, in some cases, their consumption is not recommended. In order not to harm your health and prevent negative consequences, it is important to know the situations in which sunflower pistachios cannot be consumed. Trainer and nutritionist Alexandra Morozova sheds light on this issue.
“People with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as those who are concerned about their dental health, should limit their consumption of unpeeled pistachios. Eating them regularly makes it difficult to lose weight, because they are very high in calories. And, of course, those who are allergic to them should exclude pistachios from their diet,” the specialist explains.
Are there any benefits to eating pistachios?
Undoubtedly, yes. Because they contain antioxidants that have a positive effect on cell metabolism. Sunflower pistachios contain vitamins B, A, E and D, as well as microelements necessary for the body, such as potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, iron and copper. Pistachios are also rich in fiber, which improves intestinal motility. However, it is necessary to observe the norm.
Who should completely give up pistachios?
Those who are struggling with excess weight
Sunflower pistachios are a high-calorie product. 100 grams of raw pistachios contain about 600 kcal, and roasted pistachios contain 700 kcal. To use them up, you would need to swim for an hour or walk at least 10 kilometers. By the way, pistachios stimulate the appetite, so after eating them you will really want to eat.
Those who do not want premature aging
Beneficial substances are mainly found in unroasted pistachios, but many people prefer to consume roasted ones. During the roasting process, glycation products are formed in them, which provoke premature aging of cells. When roasted, salt and flavor enhancers are added to the seeds, which lead to dehydration of the skin and premature wrinkling, and also contribute to cell mutations.
Those who are concerned about dental health
If you regularly bite into pistachios, gaps will appear between your teeth. When consumed excessively, cracks appear in the tooth enamel, into which bacteria that cause caries enter. Constant mechanical impact leads not only to damage to the enamel, but also to complete tooth failure.
Those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases
Pistachio kernels contain fiber, so they are not recommended for use during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, so that they do not irritate the mucous membrane. In addition, patients with gallbladder and liver diseases should also exclude pistachios from their diet. Because it contains a lot of fat. There are also contraindications for patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers.
Sunflower pistachios are a strong allergen. Consuming raw and peeled pistachios in small quantities provides the body with vitamins and minerals. But it is better to have everything in moderation.
Photo: The Day
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