By the relevant resolution of the President, 28 women were awarded the Zulfiya State Prize.
By the resolution "On awarding the Zulfiya State Prize" adopted by the President of Uzbekistan, the proposals of the Zulfiya State Prize Commission under the Committee for Family and Women to award a group of talented girls were approved.
The award is given to girls for their excellent character, unique talent, intelligence, initiative, academic success, and outstanding achievements in the fields of education, science, literature, culture, art, sports, information technology, and public activities.
“The Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall ensure that each of the laureates of the Zulfiya State Prize is awarded a cash prize in the amount of 50 times the base calculation amount,” the document states.
Recipients of the Zulfiya State Prize:
1. Turemuratova Biybinaz Kenesbay qizi - 1st year master's student in computer engineering at the Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Republic of Karakalpakstan)
2. Ibragimova Shahzoda Alisher qizi - Rhythmic gymnastics coach at the Nukus Higher School of Sports Skills for Olympic and National Sports (Republic of Karakalpakstan)
3. Sotvoldiyeva Mokhinur Khazratullo qizi - Basic doctoral student in literary theory at the Uzbek State University of World Languages (Andijan region)
4. Usmonova Dilshoda Egamberdi qizi - 2nd year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Andijan State Pedagogical Institute
5. Rukhillayeva Nilufar Shukrullo qizi - Foreign Language Teacher of the National University of Uzbekistan 3rd year student of the Faculty of Philology (Bukhara region)
6. Bahronova Dilshoda Tohirovna - 6th year student of the Faculty of Medicine of the Bukhara State Medical Institute
7. Ortikova E’zoza Nodir qizi - 1st year master's student of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in the specialty of international economics and management (Jizzakh region)
8. Abdurazokova Mehribon Jaloliddin qizi - Piano teacher of the 8th children's music and art school in Sharof Rashidov district of Jizzakh region
9. Sheraliyeva Jasmina Erkin qizi - 1st year student of the Faculty of Art History of Gulistan State University (Kashkadarya region)
10. Mahammadrizoyeva Madinabonu Mahammadriza qizi - 3rd year student of the Faculty of Agriculture of the International Agricultural University (Kashkadarya region)
11. Yuldosheva Ummatoy Tolqinovna - 1st year master's student in industrial management at the "Yangi Uzbek" University (Navoi region)
12. Abdullayeva Saida Ravshan qizi - 1st year student of the Faculty of Medicine of the Tashkent Medical Academy (Navoi region)
13. Olimjonova Aqidaxon Anvarjon qizi - 11th grade student of the Namangan Specialized Art School, Namangan region
14. Toychiyeva Dilafruz Nu’monjon qizi - 3rd year student of the Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute (Namangan region)
15. Anorova Gulhayo Zakir qizi - Complex social service worker of the "Vatanparvar" mahalla citizens' assembly in Samarkand city, Samarkand region
16. Khamdamova Afro‘za Akbarovna - 9th grade student of secondary school No. 42 in Samarkand, Samarkand region
17. Abdusalamova Zanjiloy Farkhod qizi - 3rd year student of the Faculty of International Journalism of the Uzbek State University of World Languages (Syrdarya region)
18. G‘aniyeva Maftuna Abduaziz qizi - Basic doctoral student in the specialty of educational theory and methodology of Gulistan State University (Syrdarya region)
19. Abdusaidova Gulrukhsorabegim Komiljon qizi - 4th year student of the Faculty of Criminal Justice of Tashkent State University of Law (Surkhandarya region)
20. Zaripova Rushana Robertovna - Basic doctoral student in the specialty of Uzbek literature of the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi (Surkhandarya region) region)
21. Anvarova Naima Anvar qizi - Teacher of native language and literature at secondary school No. 7 in the Chinaz district of the Tashkent region
22. Uralova Aisha Abduraim qizi - Head of the family enterprise "Yangiobod Kelajak Sari" in the city of Angren, Tashkent region
23. Abdurasulova Dilnoza Batirali qizi - Assistant of the Department of Software Engineering, Fergana Branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies
24. Saynazarova Laylokhon Odiljon qizi - Head of the circle of the cultural department of the city of Kuvasoy, Fergana region
25. Kamalova Shahzoda Kahramon kyzi - 11th grade student of Specialized Secondary School No. 3 in Urgench, Khorezm region
26. Sobirova Laylokhon Arslonbek kyzi - 1st year master's student in the specialty of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports at the Tashkent International University of Financial Management and Technologies (Khorezm region)
27. Sadikova Nasiba Mazhitovna - 3rd year student of the Theater Arts Faculty of the Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture (Tashkent city)
28. Babeshko Alina Aleksandrovna - Teacher of the Choreography Department of the Uzbekistan State Academy of Choreography (Tashkent city).
The awardees will be awarded diplomas and lapel pins at the festive celebrations dedicated to March 8 - International Women's Day. Follow “Zamin” news on “Telegram”

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