22:49 / 24.03.2025
10 045

At what age do men usually get married in Uzbekistan?

At what age do men usually get married in Uzbekistan?
Information was provided on the distribution of men getting married in Uzbekistan by age.

According to the National Statistics Committee, in January-February 2025, 31,775 marriages were registered in the Civil Registry Offices across the republic.

The distribution of men in the registered marriages by age group:
- Under 20 years old – 1.4%;
- 20-30 years old – 78.7%;
- 31-40 years old – 13.6%;
- 41 years old and older – 6.3%.

It turns out that the absolute majority of men are getting married between the ages of 20-30.

The distribution of women in registered marriages by age group is:
- Under 20 years old – 35.3%
- 20-30 years old – 52.4%
- 31-40 years old – 9.4%
- 41 years old and older – 2.9%.
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