Beta-carotene gives the skin a yellow-orange tint. This is subconsciously perceived as a sign of good health.
However, in reality, it is not, Australian scientists have found out. An article by researchers from the University of Western Australia was published in the journal Behavioral Ecology.
As previous studies have shown, the red, yellow and orange coloring of males, the source of which are natural pigments carotenoids contained in fruits and plants, plays an important role in sexual selection in many animal species, in particular birds, fish and reptiles.
Females are more attracted to brightly colored males, since such coloring clearly signals their good health, and therefore a high ability to survive, reproduce and pass on their good genes to offspring. Carotenoids have powerful antioxidant properties that protect the body's cells from damage by free oxygen molecules (oxidative stress). Individuals that are able to obtain food rich in these substances in quantities sufficient to be reflected in their color are, by definition, strong and healthy.
The authors of the study decided to check whether this evolutionary mechanism works in humans, and whether there is a correlation between a yellowish skin tone and health. To do this, they selected 43 heterosexual young men of Caucasian appearance, whose average age was 21 years.
At the start of the study, all participants underwent a medical examination to assess the level of oxidative stress, immune activity, and sperm quality. In addition, all young people were photographed. Then, for 12 weeks, the participants received beta-carotene supplements. At the end of this period, they again underwent a medical examination, they were also photographed again to track the changes that occurred in their skin color. As expected, it acquired a yellowish-orange tint.
Photographs of men were shown to 66 women, with an average age of 33. They were asked to rate the attractiveness and health of the participants before and after the beta-carotene course.
It turned out that women chose photographs of men with a yellowish skin tint twice as often as photographs taken before the beta-carotene course.
Men with this complexion seemed more attractive and healthier to women. However, as the study showed, beta-carotene did not actually have any significant positive effect on the health of men.
The results suggest that, as in animals, sexual selection in humans may be based on the color of carotenoid-tinted skin, the researchers write. However, unlike in animals, in humans this trait gives false signals about the health of its owner.

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