Significant changes are being made to the parking system in Tashkent. The project, which was launched to create more than 200 thousand paid parking spaces, is one of the important initiatives being implemented by the city administration. Behind this step are the goals of further improving the city's transport system, reducing traffic congestion and increasing the speed of movement.
What kind of paid parking spaces will be created?
The system of introducing paid parking spaces will be launched in the Mirabad and Yakkasaray districts of Tashkent as a pilot project in the first stage. Starting from July of this year, a mass payment system will be introduced in the existing parking lots in these districts. This process will provide the population with the opportunity to make high-quality and easy payments.
Tariffs and payment system
Tariffs are divided into 4 zones, which ensures that each fee is set in accordance with the needs of different locations. Tariffs are set from 5 thousand to 12 thousand soums per hour, and the maximum price can be up to 30 thousand soums. Payment is made through a mobile application. This creates greater convenience for drivers and allows them to pay without unnecessary hassle.
Transport reform: news and goals
The Tashkent city administration aims to reduce traffic congestion by 18% through paid parking lots. As a result, the news about parking lots will help improve the city's internal transport system. In particular, it is possible to increase the speed of movement and further improve the order on the roads. At the same time, it is planned to install special tablets and video surveillance cameras to monitor payment.
Future liability
Starting in 2026, administrative liability may be introduced for drivers who fail to pay. This, in turn, will encourage residents to make payments accurately and on time.
The introduction of paid parking is an important step in reforming the transport system of Tashkent and regulating traffic. This project will not only help reduce traffic congestion in the city center, but also improve the situation on the surrounding minor roads. All this is aimed at facilitating the daily life of city residents. Follow “Zamin” news on “Telegram”

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