On January 31, at a meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the draft "Concept of State Policy in the Religious Sphere and Ensuring Freedom of Conscience of Citizens in the Republic of Uzbekistan", developed at the initiative of a group of deputies, was considered and adopted in the first reading.
The head of the initiative deputy group that developed this concept, deputy Jahongir Shirinov, provided detailed information about the document. According to Shirinov, there are cases of introducing certain religious rules into social relations, questioning the equality of women and men, refusing to fulfill civic obligations, denying social moral norms, national and universal values, restricting the rights to medical care, scientific and cultural achievements, goods and services, and the spread of ideas and views that undermine the development, unity and stability of society.
“Such situations pose a threat to the unity of the people of Uzbekistan, society and the state, and can lead to non-compliance with legislation, violation of the rights of other individuals, a negative change in the attitude of citizens to the legal order, the erosion of patriotic feelings and family conflicts. "The lack of a clear definition of state policy in the religious sphere can lead to its different understanding among the population, a distortion of the foundations of a secular state, and an intensification of conflict situations in society.
Also, failure to take into account scientific and technological achievements, indifference to their importance in the development of the state and society, and failure to keep up with the times complicate the country's path to taking a worthy place in the global competitive arena," says Jahongir Shirinov.
This draft Concept, which is intended to be approved by law, consists of 7 chapters and 41 paragraphs. The Concept defines the goal of state policy in the religious sphere and 10 tasks serving it. According to the document, the goal of state policy in the religious sphere is to create equal conditions for the exercise of citizens' rights to freedom of conscience, to promote mutual understanding and respect between religious organizations of different religions, to strengthen interfaith harmony, and to ensure religious tolerance and secularism in society.
The main objectives of state policy in the religious sphere are:
- ensuring equality of citizens before the law and preventing discrimination;
- strengthening the spirit of respect for the traditions and customs of a multi-ethnic and confessional people;
- creating equal legal conditions for the active participation of citizens in public life;
- creating conditions for the exercise of freedom of conscience without allowing the forced indoctrination of religious views;
- relying on secularism in accordance with the constitution in implementing the state's domestic and foreign policy;
- regulating the activities of civil service and civil society institutions and social relations on the basis of secularism;
- strengthening the active civic position in establishing religious tolerance and legitimacy;
- preventing civil servants from giving preference to or disparaging any religion in their professional activities;
- developing the country's science and culture while benefiting from the advanced achievements of world science and culture;
- combating radicalization, preventing the spread of extremism and terrorist ideas.
State policy in the religious sphere is divided into 6 principles, which are legality, freedom of conscience, separation of religion from the state, equality, free thought, interfaith dialogue and mutual understanding.
3 priority areas of state policy in the religious sphere and mechanisms for their implementation are also being determined.
Consistently implementing the right of citizens to freedom of conscience, further strengthening interfaith relations in society. This includes ensuring guarantees of freedom of conscience, coordinating cooperation with religious organizations through an authorized state body, ensuring cooperation with state bodies on the safe conduct of religious ceremonies, assisting in the training of highly qualified personnel in the field and creating conditions for the teaching of legislative documents in religious educational institutions, and raising awareness among citizens.
It is directed to the study of the scientific and cultural heritage of religions, the development of religious studies and scientific research in the religious field. In this direction, activities such as the training of qualified specialists in religious studies, organization of scientific and educational activities in the religious field, support of scientific research projects on the fight against radicalization, extremism and terrorism, and sociological surveys on the attitude of the population to religious and social processes are carried out.
It is aimed at combating factors that threaten the freedom of conscience of citizens and public safety and order. In this direction, issues such as preventing religious radicalization, social adaptation of individuals influenced by the ideas of radical religious movements, extremist and terrorist organizations, establishing cooperation with representatives of the media in order to reveal the important role of religion in the life of society and the state, preventing cases of illegal and political use of religion in the information space, timely response to cases of violations of legislation in the field of freedom of conscience, limiting the distribution of materials imbued with ideas of national and religious hatred, and early prevention of crimes committed under the influence of religious prejudices are envisaged.
According to Deputy Jahongir Shirinov, lawyers, historians, political scientists, philologists, philosophers and religious scholars participated in the development of the concept. It was also noted that the experience of a number of foreign countries was studied, and our neighbors in Central Asia also have similar concepts.
The draft concept and the draft law on its approval were adopted by the deputies in the first reading without additional questions, and a decision was made to submit it for public discussion. According to deputy Alisher Kadyrov, there are problems with misinterpretations and comments in this concept, but it is planned to correct this in the second reading of the document.
It is reported that the document will be published on the official website of the Legislative Chamber. Follow “Zamin” news on “Telegram”
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