A video clip titled “An ambulance in Kokand is transporting firewood” has been circulating on social media. The Republican Center for Emergency Medical Services provided information about the incident.
According to it, on March 13 of this year, it was discovered that the driver G.A. was driving a medical ambulance belonging to Family Polyclinic No. 10 of Kokand city while loading tree seedlings.
A critical meeting was held at the polyclinic with the participation of officials of the Kokand city medical association regarding this incident, which caused discussions on social networks. At the meeting, the employment contract with the driver G.A. was terminated.
Also, the head physician of the polyclinic, F.M., was given a severe disciplinary punishment for irresponsibility in his duties and failure to adequately instruct and educate drivers on the effective and efficient use of vehicles.

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