On dishonest employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: “Such people exist in every system”

On March 14, a press conference was held at the AOKA on the issue of a safe environment in neighborhoods and a crime prevention system with the participation of the leadership of the Crime Prevention Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the conference, journalists asked about the recent frequent cases of prevention inspectors "getting caught" with women whose husbands had gone to work, and what measures are being taken to prevent this.
"You talked about those dirty employees. I think there are such... in every system. In 2024, during the selectors held by our head of state, very strong objections were expressed about the shortcomings of prevention inspectors, their decreased loyalty to the homeland, and their involvement in dirty ways. After that, in accordance with the minister's order, we conducted extraordinary certifications throughout the republic starting in October 2024.
During the certification, interviews were conducted with employees who were undermining the system, tarnishing it, having a low level of education, and being rude in dealing with citizens. Their level of education was checked, and about 300 preventive inspectors were dismissed from the ranks of the internal affairs department, and about 100 were dismissed from their posts. The negative situations that arose on social networks, thank God, occurred in 2024. 3 months are ending in 2025, and there have been no such negative situations.
This was also very strictly monitored by our personnel department and inspection. It was determined that when each preventive inspector went to the neighborhood, where and when he worked, he would be monitored. Extraordinary certifications will be held again, we will not stop. "We will conduct these certifications until there are enough employees who meet the requirements of our President, government and Minister of Internal Affairs," said Colonel Rahimjon Naimov, Deputy Head of the Crime Prevention Service of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
"Each employee working in the field of prevention is trained by the responsible employees of the Department for Spiritual and Educational Work and Personnel Supply at the Institute of Advanced Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a year. Measures have been established to strengthen professional knowledge and skills, work in the spirit of loyalty to the homeland, and service discipline.

Umida Abdullayeva / Photo: AOKA
If, even after receiving so much knowledge and experience, the employees' dishonesty does not change or their approach to service does not become more responsible, they will undergo an extraordinary certification,” added another deputy head of the State Police, Colonel Umida Abdullayeva.
It should be recalled that in January this year, a preventive inspection inspector in the Shovot district of the Khorezm region was detained at night by her husband's relatives in the house of a woman whose husband was in Russia. The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the issue of dismissing the employee from the ranks of the internal affairs bodies for these actions is being considered.

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